Седмичен технически и фундаментален форекс анализ. Форекс уебинар на живо, всяка неделя в 18:00ч. Анализ на 26 валутни двойки, възможност за коментари и въпроси.
За допълнителна информация(Форекс обучения, търговска група, търговски идеи и т.н.):
Website: https://www.forextrainingbg.com/
Free Telegram Group: https://t.me/SuccessfulForexSignalsFree
Weekly forex technical and fundamental analysis on 26 curency pairs, available comments and questions!
Before watching the webinar, it would be better for you to make your own analysis and then compare it with ours, so that you can have a clearer view on the market.
We are going to analyse over 20 currency pairs. We will start by looking at the economic calendar to see the news for the upcoming week and see what we can expect.
We just wanted to let you know that apart from webinar, we have private group where we share all of our trading ideas, make daily market video updates as well as some educational materials. The pricing list is as follows:
1 month – 47 USD
3 months – 125 USD
6 months – 240 USD
1 year – 450 USD
If you are interested to learn more about it, please feel free contact us.
Here is a link to our website where you can learn more about FX trading: