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Live FOREX Trading Session. Ask questions. Get answers. Follow my trades and see when I buy and sell EUR/USD or get the Strategy and use it on different pairs.
I am trading 1pip=£100. You can trade 1pip=£10 or £5. It is all about how big is your trading account.
The Strategy is available on this site:
I was trading for over two decades and now you can follow my trades live on YouTube for free. You can also watch hundreds of my saved day trading sessions on my channel and if you are interested you can purchase the strategy and start making a real profit from trading forex or stocks on margin. It is not that complicated and anybody can achieve great results.
After you’ve got The Strategy you can test it by adding the indicators, I am using to my previous live streaming sessions that were saved in a Playlist:
This is a live trading Session with Real Money Invested in the market and not a trading course or a seminar where somebody trying to teach the audience his/her new idea of trading. All of this happens live in front of you.
I never put Stop/Loss, I always put Stop on Profit.
I am not giving any recommendations or advise when and where to invest. All of this you can discover through my trades and The Strategy I am using.
For more information please contact me:
Every week I make a donation from my profit for a different cause. You can join me and help others